Wednesday, October 14, 2009

When You Trace Upon A Star

Even as a kid, I always thought that Sir Hiss from Robin Hood was strikingly similar to Kaa from The Jungle Book - I mean, they're both snakes, they both have hypnotic eyes and they both have vowels in their name. Little did I know that there are a LOT of similarities in Disney animated features. The video below points out a few of them.

I'd like to thank Tiana for pointing this one out to me.


Tiana Smith said...

Nice! Thanks for the shout out :)

Krista said...

Wow! I had no idea. That's uncanny.

Word verification: "bants"

Shaun B said...
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The Woolley's said...

Hey Joel I found this and thought you'd like it.

Joel said...

Ha! That site is hilarious! And sadly accurate. I'm no handyman.

And Uffish, I keep giggling everytime I see "bants."

Kelsi White said...

sad!! this just ruined my life! i can't believe that so many of the disney movies are all so similar!!

shelly said...

They just couldn't afford a new choreographer. I'm pretty sure they were in debt all of these years.