Monday, October 12, 2009

Wink, Wink

You know, I can't tell which is worse on this ad for Winkers: the actual product, or the video itself. So I'm going to let you decide.

Yes, this video is over 3 minutes long. No, you don't have to watch the whole thing. But I do recommend at least jumping around a bit so you can see the wide (HA!) range of styles that Winkers offers you, the customer. Plus, the music sounds like a movie soundtrack from the 80s!


Want more information? They have a website (click here) that's just as professional as this video.


Bryon said...

I didn't watch all of it but if they have a pac man after a ghost I'm all over it.

Chad said...

You know you want one.

Brooke Bennett said...

Wow. Ugly pants!

Jaime said...

so by the time i came to your site, the video link was not working. so i clicked on "click here" to go to the site. i, can't respect anyone who uses comic sans. i had to immediately close the window.

ha ha!

K. Madsen said...

Okay. So, Snow Patrol's "Open Your Eyes" came on my iPod when I clicked your link.

It honestly made this video seem much cooler. In a "here let me wink at you with my butt fat, while you listen to sweet tunes" sort of way.

Laura, Ella, and a Pair of Toms said...

Ohmygosh. Not only is the invention completely and utterly mind boggling, the soundtrack finishes the brain confusion nicely! Haha! My jaw was little dropped this entire clip! Ha! :) Love it.