Monday, March 19, 2012

Procatination is the Thief of Time

As I've mentioned before on Slice of Fried Gold, internet people love cats. People also love music. And when you put the two together? Well, you get a special sort of magic. Behold! The Procatinator!

In case you're too timid to click on random links on this site (which is understandable), let me explain how it works. The Procatinator places a random song with a random animated .gif of cats. Once you've had your fill of one cat, simply click on "Show Me Another Cat" and you'll get another random pairing. It's simple, yet genius. And don't ask me how I know this, but there are approximately 88 different cat/song combinations and counting.

My thanks to alert reader, Mitch, for sending this in. I don't know how much time I'll spend on it but I. . . .Whoa! What?? It's midnight already? How did that happen?


--jeff * said...

i goshdang i love this.....

i'll come back and click on all of your hyperlinks later, because i'm kind of busy procatinating right now....

(i think i would've been hooked even if my first video wasn't a beastie boys song....

The Former 786 said...

I know the feeling, Jeff. I know the feeling.